Wednesday 10 August 2011

WOYWW August 10th

This desk is my messy one.
I have been having a huge sort out since getting all new storage.
Have had some great finds too.
I might even get something made later.
Got my Gesso ready to prime a couple of items.
This the the clean desk.
To snoop some more desks go straight to Julia's at The Stamping Ground and maybe you will join in yourself with the weekly fun.


GlorV1 said...

Oh fun, blank canvas, ready to go.:)) Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well done for sorting out - tis good for the soul!! I really like your steampunk backgrounds from your previous post :D Have a good week xx

Simple homemade living said...

everytime I have a sort out I get inspired as I find bits I forgot I had lol

Laura #59

JoZart Designs said...

Is that square with a hole in going to be a clock?
Looks like your newly vamped storage in your workroom has got you creating lots and lots.
Thanks for your message re the little one... can't wait to get there now.
Love joZarty x

Julia Dunnit said...

Ooh is that going to be a clock? A sort out is good for the sould and devastating at the same time - all that stuff, still unused!! It seems to have got your mojo going even more than usual, liking the steampunk stuff.

Hettie said...

Why are so many having a sort out this week? With all those drawers you have had I would have thought it was sorted!!

Yogi said...

thanks for the glimpse. looks like a creative work desk. Have a great day.