Wednesday 4 January 2012


The workdesk is in the kitchen today for a fast clean up after I showed my 2 year old GD Yasmine how to stamp. She has taken to this in an amazing way. Good job I kept my kids stamping kit. I think it was made by Waddingtons and the inks are still good. Amazing. 
Now go and snoop over a 100 desks at WOYWW
Have fun and do not forget to share.


bohemiannie! art said...

I TOTally love that you're teaching your GD to stamp!!! It looks like she's taken right to it!!! Way to go Grannie!

Ann B said...

love Jasmine's curls and her talent for stamping - does she want to join in at Vicky Stampers?
Ann B

Hettie said...

A big AAAAAWWWWWW! Your GD is gorgeous and don't ever let her have her hair cut!! Start em young!!

Hettie said...

Nope! My tea was not cold. A herbal tea with Hubby's Honey in too! Nom Nom Nom!!

JoZart Designs said...

Doesn't she look so cute and I love that she has her tongue out concentrating. I sent a set to Germany for the little'un which was a huge success.
Look forward to seeing you Saturday!
Love Jo x

May said...

your GD is beautiful, love her curls, she must have caught the crafty bug and doing a great job at it, Hugs May x x x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yay, the newest member of WOYWW!! She looks like she's having a great time :D
Happy New Year!
Hugs, LLJ #33 xx

Neet said...

Lovely photos of your GD - gorgeous hair. See you Saturday. Hugs, Neet x

505whimsygirl said...

Isn't it great to pass on the love of crafts to others! It looks like Yasmine is having a great time.

Thanks for visiting!


Julia Dunnit said...

Ah how lovely, look at that happy concentration! Well done you, grandmas are so good at messy play!

Enfys said...

I love to see kids crafting - when my grandchildren come and stay, the first thing they say is 'can we make cards' - they are 7 and 4, the younger ones don't know what's in store yet!
happy new year

Bridget Larsen said...

Your GD is very cute and artistic like her grandma.
Bridget #151

Katie said...

Aw! She's precious! You must have fun with your grandbaby! My own mom can't wait for me to provide grand children :) She reminds me almost weekly. Thanks for sharing!

Katie (138)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Well done for starting the next generation in the fun of crafting. I still have my old John Bull Printing set - the inks died years ago, but the stamps are still reasonable and ideal for vintage work. Maggie #73

Anne said...

hi there your granddaughter is so cute and love the curls. I have a 2year old and a four year old GD. They both love to have the 'colouring stuff' as they call it out. Came over today and we did just that. Happy 2012 to you. Anne x